Thomas Judd
President of IFMBE Clinical Engineering Division
In a 36-year-career and certified in clinical engineering (CE), quality, and health information, since 2006 Tom Judd has been National Project Director, Clinical Technology, Kaiser Permanente (KP), helping to transfer device-electronic health record (EHR) integration solutions across KP’s 40 hospitals and 600 clinics serving 9.5M patients, and on its medical device integration and wireless governance groups. He leads health technology (HT) evaluations at KP’s Garfield Innovation Center, speaks nationally on these topics, and serves on AAMI medical device standards committees www.aami.org. Previously, he was Quality and Safety director for KP Georgia (1994-2006), a CE in local, national, and global roles (1979-1994), a Navy jet pilot and engineering faculty member at the Naval Academy. He has a BS and MS in Aerospace Engineering, and completed graduate work in Biomedical Engineering.
He has been a WHO HT consultant in 40 developing countries since 1989, and serves on or advises nonprofit boards that serve Central Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America for healthcare issues. Tom is a founding member of the American College of Clinical Engineering – and its advocacy chair since 2010. He has served on the HIMSS Davies Enterprise EHR award since 2010, and was highlighted by HIMSS in 2012.
Thomas Judd currently works at the Clinical Technology, Kaiser Permanente. Tom does research in Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering. Their current project is ‘World Congress on Clinical Engineering and Health Technology Management.’